AnalysisException |
Analysis exception.
AnalysisProgress |
AnalyzeKey |
Analyze key.
AnalyzeReplayGain |
Analyze ReplayGain.
AudioAnalysisTask |
Audio analysis task.
ComputeColor |
Compute color task.
DetectSilence |
Detect silence task.
EstimateBPM |
Estimate tempo task.
EstimateDanceability |
Estimate danceability.
EstimateInstrumentation |
Estimate instrumentation.
EstimateMood |
Estimate mood.
FingerprintTask |
Fingerprint Task.
IdentifyLyricsLanguage |
Tries to identify lyrics language.
ImportLyrics |
Import lyrics from online databases using implementations of LyricsProvider .
ImportOnlineDBMetaData |
Looks up meta data for a given song using OnlineDB .
LastFMTags |
Copies Last.FM tags to comment field/tags.
SimilarityTask |
SongAnalysisTask |
A task that analyzes just the Song object, but not the audio data.
SongPropertyAnalysisTask |
SongTask |
Artifact to model the Song Id to Task relationship.
Task |
Provides the infrastructure for tasks that may contain other tasks.
TaskEditor |
Editor for manipulating Task configurations.
TaskFactory |
Task factory.
TaskProcessListener |
Notification for different execution phases of a task.
TaskQueue |
TaskRunListener |
Notification for different execution phases of a task.