Package com.tagtraum.beatunes.analysis
Provides classes to steer the execution of analysis tasks and several analysis tasks and their editors.
A task must extend
and for persistence be annotated with
. Depending on the kind of task you may want to extend a subclass
of Task
, e.g. SongPropertyAnalysisTask
A task is configured using a TaskEditor
. If you follow the convention
of naming your editor the same as your task with "Editor" appended, it is found automatically.-
Interface Summary Interface Description AnalysisProgress AnalysisProgress.TaskEditor<T extends Task> Editor for manipulatingTask
configurations.TaskFactory Task factory.TaskProcessListener Notification for different execution phases of a task.TaskQueue TaskQueue.TaskRunListener Notification for different execution phases of a task. -
Class Summary Class Description AnalysisTasksDialog Dialog to be shown, when we initiate the analysis.AnalyzeKey Analyze key.AnalyzeKeyEditor AnalyzeKeyEditor.AnalyzeReplayGain Analyze ReplayGain.AnalyzeReplayGainEditor AnalyzeReplayGainEditor.AudioAnalysisTask<T> Audio analysis task.AudioPumpAnalysisTask Creates a pump for all childAudioAnalysisTask
s that return non-null
pipelines.ComputeColor Compute color task.ComputeColorEditor Compute color editor.DetectSilence Detect silence task.DetectSilenceEditor DetectSilenceEditor.EmptyTaskEditor<T extends Task> EmptyTaskEditor
.EstimateBPM Estimate tempo task.EstimateBPMEditor Estimate BPM editor.EstimateDanceability Estimate danceability.EstimateDanceabilityEditor Estimate danceability editor.EstimateInstrumentation Estimate instrumentation.EstimateInstrumentationEditor Estimate instrumentation editor.EstimateMood Estimate mood.EstimateMoodEditor Estimate mood editor.FingerprintTask Fingerprint Task.FingerprintTaskEditor Fingerprint TaskEditor.HibernateTaskQueue Hibernate task queue.IdentifyLyricsLanguage Tries to identify lyrics language.IdentifyLyricsLanguageEditor Identify lyrics language task editor.ImportLyrics Import lyrics from online databases using implementations ofLyricsProvider
.ImportLyricsEditor ImportLyricsEditor.ImportOnlineDBMetaData Looks up meta data for a given song usingOnlineDB
.ImportOnlineDBMetaDataEditor ImportOnlineDBMetaDataEditor.LastFMTags Copies Last.FM tags to comment field/tags.LastFMTagsEditor LastFMTagsEditor.SimilarityTask SimilarityTask.SimilarityTaskEditor Similarity task editor.SongAnalysisTask A task that analyzes just the Song object, but not the audio data.SongPropertyAnalysisTask SongPropertyAnalysisTask.SongPropertyAnalysisTaskEditor SongPropertyAnalysisEditor.SongTask Artifact to model the Song Id to Task relationship.Task Provides the infrastructure for tasks that may contain other tasks.UpdateRemoteData Updates several remote properties with fresh data from the central database. -
Exception Summary Exception Description AnalysisException Analysis exception.